Wed 8 September 2021
The Bundaberg Race Club held the 2021 AGM on Monday 6 September.
President Dale Rethamel presented his report for 2020/21.
He expressed that the Bundaberg Race Club is continuing to grow from strength to strength despite the ongoing challenges faced in relation to Covid-19 restrictions.
Dale thanked Race Day Race Day Coordinator Shanyn Limpus and Groundsman Brian Steindl for their passion for the Club and high work standards.
Dale thanked David Deans for assisting with the track, Natalie Rethamel for her hard work decorating, and Kyle Stallan for assisting with set up and pack down of races.
Dale thanked all the essential racing staff, including barrier staff and clerks, photo finish judges, race day office staff, cameramen, and race callers; and praised bar staff Kayla and Megan who are assisted by volunteers from Sunrise Rotary Club.
Dale also acknowledged all the trainers, jockeys, and owners as local racing could not continue without their continued support.
Dale recapped the year’s race days and associated sponsors and acknowledged the financial support of venue sponsors Lion (XXXX) and The Waves Sports Club.
The Lindsay Australia Bundaberg Cup Carnival was acknowledged as a standout event that adds to the fabric of regional racing.
Dale was proud to report that the Club had been successful in receiving a Country Racing Program grant of $400,000 to provide a track upgrade, scheduled to begin in November 2021.
Other major projects this year included the construction of a Barrier Shed also funded by the Country Racing Program, and the demolition and construction of new stables thanks the Bundaberg Regional Council.
Dale congratulated the 2020/21 Bundaberg Race Club Premiership Winners (Gambit, Rebecca Wilson, and Darryl Gardiner), and the Warren Stradling Memorial Trophy recipient, Adam Nasso.
Lastly, Dale thanked the Committee Members for their support during the year and acknowledged outgoing member Chris Wessel for all his years of hard work while on the Committee and in his executive role as Treasurer.
Dale remains focussed on achieving positive outcomes for the Club and looks forward to working together with the Committee to ensure the future success of our non-profit regional Racing Club.
Members can contact the Bundaberg Race Club to request a copy of the meeting minutes and Audited Financial Report for the 2020/21 FY.